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Our Markets

Amsterdam.Flying over european city.

Cities and countries

There are already tangible goals for countries and cities for climate and energy efficiency.

Reducing carbon footprint in cities and countries

and saving energy efficiency

Along with resource efficiency and dealing smartly and correctly with the damages of the global climate crisis and its effects on city life and national resilience

Industry, high-tech and academia

The industry wants to become energy efficient and also reduce its carbon footprint

High-tech is saturated with climate-tech companies and the academy researches and disseminates groundbreaking research in the field

Camelot Company provides data analysis, research simulations, dedicated applications, data engines and end-to-end solutions for the needs of industry and academia on this critical topic

Government tenders and commercial collaborations

Camelot.AI believes in collaborations inside and outside of Israel

The company has partners from different countries, and the basis of Camelot.AI business belief is to operate in local and international markets at points where the company solutions & services will have a core influence